Megaphone and speech bubble

How can I have a voice in Leeds?

There are lots of different ways that you can have your voice heard about climate change or any other issues that are important to you. Here are just some of the ways you can help influence local decisions.

Join the Leeds Youth Council Network (LYC)

The LYC is a network of 400+ members aged 10-18 years old. All of its members are passionate about making a difference and making Leeds a better place. If you live or study in Leeds, you can join the network for free. Membership allows you to participate in events, join the monthly LYC working group, and have your say on the issues which affect you.

Once you are a member you will receive a monthly email full of different opportunities for you to get involved such as; becoming a member of the UK youth parliament, joining in with local campaigns, sitting on judging panels and taking part in local and national surveys and focus groups including the annual Your Voice survey.


Write a letter to your local councillor or MP

Even though you can’t vote until you are 18, your local city councillors and Members of Parliament still represent you. If you are passionate about an issue and think they can help, send them a letter or an email or visit them at one of their local meetings.


Speak at a council meeting

If there’s an issue you’d like to speak about, you can raise a deputation to full council or your local community committee. This will give you the opportunity to voice your concerns directly to councillors. Section 10 of the Council Procedure Rules, linked below, sets out how it works.

You can also speak during the open forum at a Climate Emergency Advisory Committee meeting. Email to find out more.